Catharsis is a Greek word meaning "purification", "purging", "cleansing" or "detoxification"...
I absolutely adore the "Whole Body Cleanse" System and indulge in a semi-annual detox with khichadi, lemon juice and honey and the whole body cleanse for a week...I feel refreshed, renewed and pun unintended "whole" again.
The organized me loves even better when I "spring clean"...throwing away things I didn't need that were not usable, donating or selling other stuff and generally cleaning house...I love the feeling of emptiness, organization and space that activity gives me
The one thing I haven't been able to do is mentally cleanse my mind of attachments. Over years, one of the banes of being a dedicated/committed product manager is to treat your products/services as your offsprings...it is very difficult to mentally dissect and detach onself from one's hard work, execution and creation...for me that is true Catharsis...cleaning shop...learning to move on. This new year brings for me an opportunity to engage in an exercise of complete catharsis and I am accepting it with open arms...it won't be easy or comfortable but I am definitely welcoming this new change and hope I can adapt, rejuvenate, renew and excel...after all one wise person said - the one thing that is constant in lfe is Change...