Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Self Compassion (Banish the inner critic!)

"Self Compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others"

Such a simple concept on paper but so hard to practice. This weekend I had to cancel not one but two of my weekend free classes as my body wouldn't cooperate and I was doing what I do when I am having a massive mental tug of war...I was talking to myself aloud in the kitchen as I was making my son's breakfast (he was sitting at the table with his air pods and I assumed he was busy in whatever robotics match he was watching and couldn't hear me ). Here's how the one-way conversation went :
Me : Darn it - I am weak!
Me : Why didn't I just plough through the pain with Advil and teach?
Me: I am not committed enough to exercising
Me : I am not disciplined
Me : I have already gained 10 lbs at FB...wait for it it will get worse !
Me : My students will all leave me

I feel a tap on my back and my son was towering over me and he says : Ma you got this, it's ok its just one class, you are consistent and your students get it !!! And you are awesome! (Context - this is the first time he has said that in a loooooooong time!)
Made me sit up and think about how much we end up having these one-sided conversations where we beat ourselves up into a corner....why not change that conversation we have with ourselves...