Sunday, July 31, 2022

Body Positive!

"I'm not fat But I feel So Heavy, I feel my arms jiggle, I feel too big Uncomfortable in my own skin, I am not fat, But I feel So Heavy, I wish I weighed Nothing at all." 

I was the fat kid all my life ( think 5'3'' and ~ 180 lbs and right now at Size 4 and 120 lbs I still feel like the fat kid...Only one in seven Americans feels “body positive.”... It takes women half their lives to achieve half the level of body self-esteem as the average teenage male -- a whopping 66% of teenage girls are either body negative or body ambivalent...Ouch! (Source : Yahoo Health). 

So for me, as I strive to lose a couple more lbs, I want to do it while I nourish my body, spirit and mind. I want to remain in shape and get strong - so that I can be a positive role model for my son. I want to remain in shape for myself that I can jump up and dance when I want to, climb the high mountains and see the world upside down from a Yoga posture...body strong, body positive!

I will blog my healthy (and not so healthy habits) for the next 6 months as I slowly but surely make progress. For today I want to share my healthy vegetable haul...

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Self Compassion (Banish the inner critic!)

"Self Compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others"

Such a simple concept on paper but so hard to practice. This weekend I had to cancel not one but two of my weekend free classes as my body wouldn't cooperate and I was doing what I do when I am having a massive mental tug of war...I was talking to myself aloud in the kitchen as I was making my son's breakfast (he was sitting at the table with his air pods and I assumed he was busy in whatever robotics match he was watching and couldn't hear me ). Here's how the one-way conversation went :
Me : Darn it - I am weak!
Me : Why didn't I just plough through the pain with Advil and teach?
Me: I am not committed enough to exercising
Me : I am not disciplined
Me : I have already gained 10 lbs at FB...wait for it it will get worse !
Me : My students will all leave me

I feel a tap on my back and my son was towering over me and he says : Ma you got this, it's ok its just one class, you are consistent and your students get it !!! And you are awesome! (Context - this is the first time he has said that in a loooooooong time!)
Made me sit up and think about how much we end up having these one-sided conversations where we beat ourselves up into a corner....why not change that conversation we have with ourselves...