Saturday, November 6, 2010

Clearing Cobwebs

A couple of days back I was cleaning up my clothes closet. I realized that I was a pack rat…I still had clothes lying around from my XIM (B) days…the good news is I still fit but the bad news was I did realize that I held on to things from the past with an unhealthy gusto be it people, memories or even grudges…there were too many cobwebs in my mind. I threw out 4 trash bags of clothes ( I didn’t leave them at the Salvation Army because I couldn’t imagine someone wanting to wear a bright red sambalpuri salwar kameez…yes the very  same one I had gone to the market and got with Ruchi with my first credit card in 1996…a standard chartered…wait there begins the memory journey).  Throwing out the trash bags was a huge mental relief…it felt like the mind was cleaner, clearer and refreshed.

Yet there  are some memories that you hang on to tight. For the first time yesterday I left K2 with K1 and his grandparents ( K1’s parents) and spent a quiet evening with my parents…my mind was very disturbed as I have been away (feeling guilty) from K2 on work but never just because…but after a visit to the local temple, lighting Diyas ( it is done for the ancestors) and a wonderful Oriya meal, Ma, Bapa and me sat down with some of our old B&W pictures and the memories that we shared was priceless…

Bapa from his college days...his friends lovingly called him the laughing goblin

Ma and Abinash

Bapa and Me

Bapa, Abinash and Me

 Abinash & Me

Blossoming Butterflies ;-)...Mama and Me

How are you dealing with the cobwebs in your mind?


  1. nice post meenakshi :)

    There is an award for u here
    kindly collect it
