Thursday, May 30, 2019

What's for Lunch?

“He who every morning plans the transactions of that day and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life.” 
5.45 AM : Wake up before my alarm goes off, do 5 minutes of pranayam, mental to-do list and top 3 things to get done at work and home.
6.00 AM : Morning Routine (Lunch Box for kid, Morning snack for kid, empty dishwasher, make tea and pack my own lunch bag, Check Emails/respond to urgent ones )
7.15 AM : Get ready, motivate kid to get up and get ready
8.00 AM : Head out, drop kid at school and go to work, either do conference calls or call mom on my way to work
8.40 AM : Reach work, meetings start...anywhere from 6-9 meetings/day
10.00 AM : Break my fast and have my ginger tea (I pack it in my lunch bag) with roasted peanuts
12.30 PM : Run downstairs to move my electric vehicle from it's charging spot in the garage, run back up and heat my Detox Soup and then it's back to meetings
6.00 PM : Head out home
7.00 : Dinner on table and eat dinner with family by 7.30-8.00 PM
8.00-8.30 PM : Walk the dog with the husband and catch up on day
8.30-9.00 PM : Organize around the house, prep for the morning
9.00-9.30 PM : Catch up with kid, he goes to sleep
9.30-10.30 PM : Work
10.30-11.00 PM : Me time - Read, watch TV and wind down for the day.

I am not sharing my schedule with you to elicit pity, sympathy or awe...this is what it is right now and it will probably get better over time as I get a handle on my commute (~ 45 mins-1 hr each way) and my work (still new)'s just to say I understand you are busy but you can still put in some time for exercise, cooking and me-time 😊

This was today but Monday, Wednesday and Friday I get to squeeze some BollyX/Zumba into the mix and I am grateful that I am able to manage my schedule with work, kid, exercise and a healthy lunch/dinner though it is barely by the skin of my do I manage... a big part of it is thanks to my two handy Instant Pots and Mason Jars &  Farmstead  . On weekdays, I order some of my grocery via Farmstead - it's mostly Milk (love their Strauss Milk), Bananas and some of the staple items that I run out during the course of the week and don't have the time to go to the grocery store for. This service lets me get locally sourced organic produce and grocery at a reasonable price with free delivery. How do my IP and mason jars help me - let me show you how.

High Protein Cabbage Detox Soup

What you need 
  1. 1.5 Pounds Chopped Cabbage
  2. 2 Handfuls Greens (I used Baby Kale)
  3. Chopped Onions (1 small medium red), 5 cloves of Garlic minced, chopped cilantro/mint - 2-3 handfuls
  4. Liquid Aminos, Salt to Taste, Turmeric Powder, Black Pepper
  5. 2 32 Oz Pacific Organic Chicken Bone Broth
  6. Olive/Avocado Oil
To Cook 
  1. Turn on your Instant Pot to Saute. Add the oil and sweat out the onion and garlic
  2. Add the turmeric powder and the black pepper
  3. Add the Shredded Cabbage and let it sweat out for 2 minutes
  4. Add the bone broth, Liquid Aminos or Salt (I added both to taste)
  5. Turn the instant pot on manual high pressure,  NPR 10 minutes
  6. Add the mint/cilantro and blend to a puree with an immersion mixer (taste test before serving)
 I took it to work and heated it straight in the mason jar and drank it. This was my quick fix to eating healthy at work and yes it is very hearty and filling. Here's a quick tally in My Fitness Pal of it's nutrition specs per serving - 100 calories, 7 gms carb, 2 grams of fat, 12 gms of protein and 5 gms of Fiber and 4 gms of Sugar

I really feel great about my lunches this week :)

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