Friday, March 13, 2020

Sunshine in my bowl...

Yesterday night was relaxed as we took a long relaxed stroll by the bay and almost forgot the surreal existence as of the past couple weeks...the beautiful orange skies, the loving pup, the conversations with the husband all lulled me into a false sense of peace...the peace continued into the night as we watched "Dark Waters".

I got up in the morning and remembered that Whole Foods had their beauty bag sale, so I called my favorite store and asked them to hold one for me...after a leisurely cup of chai and peanuts I made my way around noon to pick up the said "beauty bag" and some fruits and vegetables for the week...I was greeted by a grim sight...masked faces, overflowing parking lots...I waited 20 minutes to get a parking spot and empty racks...not that I was looking for toilet paper or clorox wipes (thank god!)

My one request to people along with the hand washing and social distancing is "community thinking" - you don't need boxes and boxes of disinfectants and wipes...leave some for your neighbors...if your neighbor gets the virus there is a high likelihood of proximity making the odds not so fair for please, pretty please do your part.

Getting back to what we ate this week - I posted a super simple Khichdi recipe that my family enjoyed this week and I served it with a spectacular Kadhi. Kadhi is the food equivalent of a warm's tangy, creamy and oh so satisfying on a day when you need some "pick me up". My recipe was super simple and ssssh! don't tell anyone I was really skeptical about making it in my Instant Pot...there I said it. But now I will never ever make it any other way.

Simple Kadhi

What you need
  1. 3 Cups Water+ 1 Cup Yogurt (the link has the information on the yogurt I used Straus)
  2. 2 table spoons Besan/chick pea flour
  3. Turmeric, Hing, Fresh Curry Leaves, Mustard Seeds, Cumin Seeds, 
  4. Chopped Serrano chili (2 small or one large), thinly chopped ginger
  5. Chopped Cilantro
To Cook 
  1. Whisk the Water, Yogurt and Besan to a smooth watery consistency, add salt to taste, a little bit of sugar (wee pinch) and the turmeric - Keep aside
  2. Turn on your Instant Pot to Saute. Add your ghee....add hing, cumin seeds and mustard seeds. When they splutter, add chopped chili, ginger and  curry leaves.
  3. Stir for 1/2 minute to 1 minute
  4. Now add the yogurt mixture from step 1 
  5. Soup Mode for 4 minutes, let the pressure release naturally
  6. Open the IP, give it a stir, add salt as per taste, garnish with chopped cilantro
Enjoy with some rice or quinoa, I enjoyed this with both by khichdi and also with some brown rice. Please as you take your next trip to the grocery store, remember your neighbors and leave some rations for them.

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