Thursday, January 6, 2011


Chi Mangia Bene Vive Bene!”…the Italians have a wonderful saying – Who eats well lives well…

I picked up a book from the library this week strangely titled: Eat, Memory. There were some priceless essays on food memories and other passable ones...I won't point out which one was which...if you love food and more importantly if you believe food has a story to tell, you will pick up this book and read it and I am betting some of you will love it.
Some recent food memories involve a relaxed brunch with a mimosa and a frittata…and a toddler who absolutely loves chocolate mousse. Life has been more than hectic these past few days…playing single parent with a full work load is an interesting juggle and yes I have lost my patience more than once…yet K2 has been patient with me. We made cheese pizza (with the whole wheat pizza dough from TJ’s) and it actually turned out pretty good. I made him a version of fried rice with shallots, carrots, cauliflower and grilled salmon and the way he chomped it all up was extremely gratifying…
K1 has given me a book “Strength Finder 2.0” that I have just started reading. Let’s see if there are any new learnings from the book…anyone out there who has already read it…send me your views. Mid week is not such a bad place to be in --- 3 days of hectic running around behind me, now just 2 more days to go and I will be more than ready for the weekend.

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